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Trap Exercises

Joel Runyon

Remember that meat-headed bully in High School with no neck? His intimidating appearance was probably because his Traps were so big that they rose above his ears.

All jokes aside, this is an area of real estate in your body that you don’t want to neglect. Your Traps, or the trapezius muscle, is another major component of your upper back.

Besides giving you a wide-looking and symmetrical rear torso, your traps also prevent neck injury, assist with good posture, and aid your arms when performing some of the more heavier lifts you can attempt in the gym.



The trapezius muscle can be found running alongside the upper half of your spinal column and continuing up to the back of your neck. They are not to be confused with your Lats that run along the outer sides of your back. The Traps also run out along either side of your neck above your shoulders, giving those with strong traps a powerful looking physique.

When your Traps are strong, you’ll find other strength training movements start to become easier, you can lift heavier weight, and subsequently, your body becomes stronger all around. Strong Traps will also prevent soreness or injury among those who spend their workday looking at a computer screen and typing, so they are a great area of your body to train.

Some great movements to try that will condition your Trap muscles are the Reverse Fly, Farmers Walk, and Lateral Raise.