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Leg Raise

May 16, 2023 | Joel Runyon

The leg raise is one of the most challenging abdominal exercises the body can perform. This advanced movement utilizes both your hip flexors and lower abs, and even at lower reps you will feel your core working overtime.

Weight training beginners may find this too challenging at first. If this is the case, try practicing on the Captain’s Chair to build up the necessary strength.

How to do a Leg Raise

To perform the Leg Raise, first start by standing under a chin up bar. If necessary, place a box or stool that you can hoist yourself up with. Grip the bar with both hands facing out from your body. You should be hanging freely at this point with your feet fully off of any standing surface.

Tighten your core muscles and now bring your knees up as high as you can to your chest. Pause at the top for a moment and then bring your knees back down again so that your legs are extended out beneath you. This is one rep. It is important that the Leg Raise should be performed in a deliberate, controlled manner.

Fully engage your core and arms to avoid swinging or swaying on the bar. You might this to be the most difficult part of the exercise, but it will cause maximum burn in your abdominal area.

Leg Raise Variations

Once you’ve mastered this movement, try keeping your legs straight as your lift your feet out in front of you to a height horizontal with your hips for an additional challenge.

Leg Raise Video Demonstration

Picture of Joel Runyon

Joel Runyon

Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE® and MoveWell. In addition to free fitness resources on Impossible Fitness - you can buy performance apparel and supplements on