The curtsy lunge is a variation on the traditional lunge that helps to strengthen your glutes and inner thighs. This move can be done using only your bodyweight for an effective lower body workout.
How to do a Curtsy Lunge
Start standing tall with your feet positioned underneath you hip-width apart. When you’re ready, step your right foot behind your left leg while bending both knees – almost like you were curtsying. Bring your hands to your heart to counterbalance the movement.
As you reach back with your right foot, ensure that your left knee stays stacked over your left ankle. Your right knee should reach towards the ground.
To return, push through your left foot to come back to standing. Repeat on the opposite side.
Curtsy Lunge Variations
Once you’ve mastered this movement, you can add weight in the form of dumbbells or kettlebells. You can also slow down the movement to add time under tension.