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Boat Pose

May 16, 2023 | Joel Runyon

The Boat Pose is a deceptively simple, yet challenging core exercise. Much like the Plank, the Boat Pose requires you to remain motionless in a static stress position. This yoga-based movement will work both your abdominal and lower back muscles, as well as your balancing ability.

How to do Boat Pose

Start by sitting on a comfortable flat floor or mat with your upper body upright and your legs bent out in front of you. Now lift your feet off of the floor and bring your knees towards your upper body. Your legs can remain slightly bent.

While keeping your torso and spine straight, slowly lean back so your upper body is at a 45-degree angle from the floor. Your thighs and abdomen should now be forming a motionless V-shape.

Finally, lift your arms 1-2 feet off the floor and away from your sides with the palms facing upwards towards the ceiling. Your entire body at this point should be balancing only on the bottom of your buttocks. No other part of your body can be touching the floor.

Hold this position for as long as possible while maintaining your balance and breathing in a controlled manner. You should feel a deep burn in your abdominal region the longer you hold this pose.

To return to your original position, lean forward and place your feet flat and palms back down on to the ground. This counts for one set.

Boat Pose Variation

For an added challenge, straighten your legs out in front of you. But for most beginners, keeping the knees and shins bent downwards is easiest.

Boat Pose Video Demonstration

Picture of Joel Runyon

Joel Runyon

Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE® and MoveWell. In addition to free fitness resources on Impossible Fitness - you can buy performance apparel and supplements on