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Pendlay Row

May 16, 2023 | Joel Runyon

The Pendlay row is a barbell movement that is used to target muscle growth mostly in the back and shoulders. The lift is named after Glen Pendlay – a famous weightlifting coach.

How to do the Pendlay Row

To begin, place the barbell on the ground in front of you. We recommend using a light to moderate load on the bar.

Hinging at the hips, and with a soft bend in your knee, bow your chest forward until your back is close to parallel to the ground. Maintaining this position, grab the bar with an overhand grip about shoulder-width apart.

Lift the weight up towards your body making sure that your knees remain slightly bent and your core stays engaged. Really focus on driving through your legs and keeping the elbows in close to the body.

You can pull the bar to two different areas depending on what muscles you want to work. To hit your lat muscles, pull the bar towards your abdomen. If you would rather work your rear delts, lift the bar to touch your chest.

With control, lower the weight back to the floor. This is one rep.

Picture of Joel Runyon

Joel Runyon

Joel is the founder of IMPOSSIBLE® and MoveWell. In addition to free fitness resources on Impossible Fitness - you can buy performance apparel and supplements on